Tips for Healthy Eating at Home

The sheer amount of articles online can be overwhelming for anyone to go through and it is difficult to discern good advice from bad advice. It has been this way for ages; in 1949 a TV commercial explicitly stated: “more doctors smoke Camels than any other cigarette.” We are told that red wine isn’t all too good for you because of the amount of sulfites you will be consuming, whereas a mere 56 grams of dried apricots contain five times as much. Eggs used to be vilified for the amount of cholesterol in them and now they are back to being a good source of nutrition as part of your diet.

Although doctors may have gotten things wrong in the past we are in no position to completely dismiss their arguments and results. The science keeps getting better and is informed cumulatively with more evidence, data, and better technology. It is important that you consult your doctor to see what kind of diet suits your body best and what is it that you lack that you can take control of. This would be the first and most significant tip.

A beautifully elegant but unfortunately boring term that needs to be taken seriously is moderation. It is important to note that there is no magical elixir that one can drink that will ensure a healthy living. People are notoriously bad at taking into consideration large amounts of actions they take over a large amount of time. Instead, we are better at making decisions at the level of particular instances. For instance, it is absolutely fine to eat a bar of chocolate, however, the issue most certainly arises when large amounts of chocolates or sugar are accumulated over the course of a year, a decade, up to later years in adulthood. We shouldn’t just pick on chocolate because the point can be extended to other snacks you may enjoy that also contain a large amount of sugar that will contribute to a whole host of problems such as diabetes. A diverse diet is almost always recommended but we should be sure to consume certain food groups more than others.

So, steer clear of too much sugar. It is not a serious issue if you eat a few chocolate bars a month but if it is part of your daily intake of food you are probably consuming too much sugar than you need. Although opinions differ on many nutritional benefits of wine, apricots, eggs, kale, and so on, there is unanimous agreement concerning sugar – cut down on your sugar consumption.

Next tip: eat more vegetables and fruits. Cut up a banana and put it in your oatmeal. If your dinner is composed of chicken and rice, cut up some carrots and tomatoes.

Another tip that is equally important, check the number of calories that you require. To remain healthy it is recommended that an average man should eat around 2,500 calories and a woman around 2,000 calories daily. There is a fairly simple intuition that is behind your diet and ideal weight – eat less and exercise more if you want to lose weight. Once you determine your caloric requirement, it is then important to make sure that it coheres with the advice above – sugars should be nowhere near the bulk of your diet.